Beijing, 29th October 2000

Dear Mr. and Mrs. Akleman,

It's Stephen O'Connel, the Irish friend of Andrew's, who studied with him in Edinburgh.

I only heard the news a few days ago from Yoko - and decided to put pen to paper to offer you both my condolences. To tell you the truth, I am still in a state of shock-as I am sure you both must still be. The last time I saw Andrew was New Year last year in Edinburgh... and the last time I heard from him was from the Edinburgh festival this year. Both times he was his usual enthusiastic self - so enthusiastic it almost drove you crazy! (I'm sure you can understand that being his parents!). I remember the time I visited you in Istanbul - and Andrew decided to have shower the moment I rang the bell - you were so angry with him... but that was Andrew! Impulsive, enthusiastic, a real individual, a real character.

We haven't seen much of each other since we left Edinburgh... we were always for away - but Andrew was always somebody I knew I could meet even after months, years - and still get on with like it was only a week since we'd seen each other. I received the sad news by e-mail and I still can't believe it. It's hard to be so far away - but I know it must be so much harder for you.

If there is anything you want to ask, anything you want me to try and find out for you, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Again, my deepest sympathy at this time - Andrew travelled so much, for me, he is still in a foreign country...
